About Websec.io

Websec.io was started to provide quality articles about current security issues facing web application developers right now. A lot of the knowledge about keeping apps secure seems to be spread all over and its our hope that this site can provide a good resource.

Book session on Codementor

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Looking for a few good....articles

As with any community resource, we're always on the hunt for good articles to include in our list, so if you're looking to share your knowledge with the world consider sending us an email and include the topic(s) you'd like to talk about!

Suggested topics include:

  • Prevention of common web security issues (XSS, CSRF, etc)
  • Best practices in user authentication/authorization
  • Preventing server-related security issues
  • Cryptography and its application
  • and more!


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All information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. Websec.io is not liable for the direct or indirect use of this information. Websec.io bears no responsibility for content or misues of information contained in its articles.


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Securing PHP

The Securing PHP ebook series helps introduce you to basic security concepts and some of the most common security issues in web applications.