If you've been in development for any length of time, you know there's lots of concepts that you work out on your own that end up having names. They might turn out to be a "best practice" or a "design pattern" that someone's put a label on or they could be something as simple as an "everyone knows that" kind of thing. In this case, we're talking about data. Think about it - where does the data that's being used in your application coming from? Does most of it come from users of the system? Or does it mostly arrive on your doorstep like a present from another web service?
When you think about the flow of data in your app, step back from the implementation details and the architecture of the code for just a second. Grab the nearest whiteboard and try this exercise. Draw out the parts of your application as modules. Think about the data sources as independent from the code and draw lines connecting them based on where they're used. Congratulations, you've just done a basic kind of threat modeling on your application. "But it's just some boxes and lines on a whiteboard," you say, "How does this hep me find the threats in my application?" Well, the short answer is that just the drawing won't. It's more about what it can be used for that's important and one of those things is the topic of this article - assessing trust boundaries.
In a nutshell, a trust boundary is any place in your application that the level of trust and reliability in the data you're using changes. Look back at the diagram you just drew of your application. Look at where the data is coming from and think about how it could be tainted if you're not paying attention. Follow this line of thought out to the last trusted node in the system. The next hop after that is where the trust boundary changes.
True to its name, it's a line that's crossed where incoming (or outgoing, depending on the application) data should be validated before being used. In your diagram, draw some dotted lines where this kind of thing happens. Most likely you'll end up with a sort of "circle of trust" (or square, or triangle...the shape's not important) of systems/functionality that are trusted and interconnected. Anything that comes inside that shape has to be validated or you'll end up with that's called a "trust boundary violation" (there's even a CWE for it...CWE-501). Sometimes, this kind of thing can be easily mitigated with some simple content filtering. Other times, though, you might have to define some more complex rules around what kind of data is coming in and how much of it you want to let through.
I've briefly mentioned the concept of "trust boundary violations" but I want to look at the idea in a bit more depth. At face value, most people try to visualize the concept as something like a single line drawn in the sand, just waiting to be crossed. There's a lot more to it than just this simplified view, though. Think about the problems that might come with the handling of different parts of your application:
I think the first three on the list are pretty easy to get your mind around. They answer more of a "yes/no" kind of question, letting the system know what level of protection to assign. The last one is a bit tougher. When you think about protecting parts of your app and about the data that lies within, do you think about the things made during its execution? What about the custom session handling you've written to use something like Redis or Memcache to store the data. Consider what kind of implications there might be if the server used to store that data is either in an untrusted part of the network or might be at risk because of poor maintenance and package upkeep. You'll definitely want to pass this kind of data through something a bit more rigid rather than just trusting the data outright.
There's a few things that should always throw up red flags when it comes to the level of trust you afford to something. If there's ever any question that you can't immediately answer about your architecture, you need to worry more about the boundary between that and the rest of the application (and it's data source).
Remember that little diagram we came up with earlier in this article? Well, that was a basic version of something called a Data Flow Diagram (DFD). This kind of diagram is used, as expected from the name, to follow the flow of various pieces of data within your application. It seems like a pretty simple thing to put together, but when you start thinking about all of the data sources involved (user input, database information, cached data) you might find yourself casting a pretty wide net to encompass it all.
Let me provide you with some recommendations to think about as you're creating this kind of diagram:
For existing applications, don't try to take it all in at once. Start with a subsystem and work out. Once you get enough of these subsystem flows worked out, plug them all together into one larger, more complete image.
Try and stick with some of the common UML conventions in your diagrams rather than trying to make your own. UML's pretty simple to learn and sticking wth it can make sure others can easily read the diagrams and understand them without having to learn a new "language."
Since UML doesn't have some of the data flow concepts built into it there's a few enhancements that can help make things clearer. These recommendations (from Microsoft) are:
Item | Symbol |
Data flow | One way arrow |
Data store | Two parallel horizontal lines |
Process | Circle |
Multi-process | Two concentric circles |
Interactions | Rectangle |
Trust boundary | Dotted line |
One quick note - there's some compromise here, as UML usually states that data stores are rectangles so it's up to you how you want to notate them.
So, what does a data flow diagram look like? You don't have to have any fancy software to create them at first. It could just be a "back of the napkin" sketch until things get worked out. Then you'll probably want to move it into something that can be shared electronically, maybe via Glify or another modeling tool.
Consider some of these examples:
(All images copyright their owners)
You can see the flows of the data through their systems as well as what kind of data it is. Some diagrams will just show the relationships between the objects, but this isn't enough for a true DFD. You need to represent what the data is and, in some cases, show the multiple kinds of data.
In this final image, you can see how they've integrated trust boundaries into the diagram as well:
When you think about the structure of your application, even in the planning stages, think about the data flowing through it and the level of trust you have for that data. Be sure you follow some of the best practices when it comes to validating and filtering the data you're using. Map out the flow of the data and you'll not only get a clearer picture of the spots you need to pay attention to but might spot some issues and head them off at the pass before they get too ingrained.
With over 12 years of experience in development and a focus on application security Chris is on a quest to bring his knowledge to the masses, making application security accessible to everyone. He also is an avodcate for security in the PHP community and provides application security training and consulting services.