One the most important things that's happened to PHP in recent years (well, besides the new features and improvements to the language itself) is the introduction of Composer to the community's toolkit. It's not only made it simpler to get the code but it's also had the positive side effect of developers creating more code and better code that starts to follow some of the standards that have been set out by the community.
The tool has made life easier for PHP developers by making a simple, easy to use and maintain package management system. It does, however, bring along some issues with it and the use of third-party code. The OWASP group recently posted an updated version of their "Top 10" list for 2013 (still in Release Candidate at the time of this post) that includes a new addition to the list - "Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities" (A9). To put it simply, it's the use of not-your-code packages that may or may not have vulnerabilities that could compromise your application and leave it vulnerable.
Let's take a look at what Composer is first, then we can loop back around and pick up this issue after...
Simply put, Composer is a package and dependency manager for PHP. It makes it simpler to
include third-party code just by adding a few lines to a composer.json
configuration file.
Prior to Composer, PHP had a system called PEAR - it's still there
and still works, but has been notorious about being a bit difficult to work with. People
have traied various things over the years to make it a bit easier to use, but there still
were downsides. One of which is the fact that by default it installs at the OS level and
not where the user can necessarily update or change things (like in shared hosting). Sure,
you could install it somewhere else, but it was a little tricky to get it to work quite
Two PHP developers, Nils Adermann and Jordi Boggiano (along with countless others
that have contributed to the project) created a system that, based on a structured
configuration file, the composer.json
, allows you to pull in code based on it's
entry on the Packagist website. Since most of the code on Packagist
that use with composer conforms to the PSR-0 autoloading standard, it can be used immediately
with only the need for a require_once
statement at the start of your script:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$user = new \DuoAuth\User();
Composer does a lot of the work for you, including defining an autoloader that knows
about the third-party code you've installed. In the above example, you'll see it using
an object from the DuoAuth library. The composer.json
file for this would be:
"require": { "enygma/duoauth":"dev-master" }
Then you'd run php composer.phar install
and it'd do the rest for you, even define a
custom namespace/class mapping to help make things a little bit more speedy for the
autoloading. Obviously, this only scratches the surface of Composer's abilities, but
there's plenty of in-depth articles out there if you'd like to get into those features
, not to mention the actual manual for the project.
There's no doubt that Composer has been an amazing boost to the PHP development community and encourages code sharing on a whole different level, but with it comes a few different risks.
The OWASP Top 10 for 2013 entry for "Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities" talks issues with third-party libraries. These include things like versions not being defined along side vulnerability reports and that issues may not always make it back to the CVE or NVD lists for reporting. Often you just have to keep up with the project and its current issues on a more individual basis to stay informed. With the way Composer/Packagist works, it pulls code from GitHub repositories. Each of these repositories has its own "Issues" section and, through the tracking options GitHub offers, you can watch these repositories and get notified when new issues are added (for view the current list).
Keep in mind that for some projects, though, not all issues would be reported that way. They may have their own bug tracker or mailing list where they keep up with these things, so be sure you find the most relevant resource.
First on the list, and probably the biggest issue with using a lot (or even a little)
third-party code in your application is the code itself. One of the tenets of security
in development is that the most software that's added, the more risk is introduced. It's
really easy to just pick up a new library and add it to your composer.json
. Unfortunately,
if you do this without any code review of the incoming library, you never know what could
be hiding in its classes.
Since the Composer/Packagist dynamic duo make it so simple to introduce your libraries to the rest of the world, there's a pretty low barrier for entry. Be sure when you're looking for functionality to drop into your application, be sure you do a few things before using it:
Run through all the code, at least once looking for any issues that might stand out like poor input validation handling, poorly structured code and assumptions of what the methods will be given. The status of your application and the security compliance standards for your company will have a lot to do with how deep this research needs to go, but don't forget to do it - you'll be glad you did.
Use established libraries when you're looking for functionality to add. Chances are, when something's been around for a while and is more mature, a lot more consideration and thought has been put into it. This includes working out bugs, fleshing out features and maybe even having security reviews of its own.
Check their dependencies too to see what third-party they're using. In several PHP packages you'll find on Packagist, they use other third-party code to make theirs work. An example of this is the popular Guzzle HTTP client/framework. This tool is widely used by several projects to work with their HTTP requests. This project, in turn, uses things like the Doctrine Common library, the Monolog logger and the event manager and service manager from the Zend Framework. Guzzle is a great library, but this means you'll also need to review those other packages in order to ensure they're safe too.
Tip: It's easy to get into "dependency hell" when you're working with third-party code libraries. Not only does additional code mean additional risk, it also means possibly having to review code several levels deep to ensure security compliance. Keep this in mind when selecting your packages.
The second issue that's a bit more specific to Composer and not just a general "using third-party code" kind of tip relates to how it handles the packages it installs. As it stands right now, Composer doesn't support any kind of checking to ensure that the source it's pulling from is the correct one. Without this kind of checking, the Composer package downloads are pulled down and things like Man-in-the-Middle attacks are possible. There's been efforts to add this kind of thing into the manager, but it hasn't gained traction yet.
As such, keep this in mind when you're using Composer and Packagist. After your initial
security checks of the code when it's introduced into your application, you'd do well
to check any updates that come through when you run the composer.phar update
to get
the latest versions.
One final thing to keep in mind when using third party code - you've made the choice to include the library or module into your codebase and this makes you responsible for whatever happens through the use of this code. It's easy to think that you can pass the blame off to the maintainers of the library and point fingers when your application is exploited, but you made the choice, and you have to deal with the reprocussions.
Don't take the selection of third-party software lightly - be sure it's safe, secure and reliable. Following these recommendations won't prevent issues in your use of Composer, but it can help prevent some of the more common issues you can control.
With over 12 years of experience in development and a focus on application security Chris is on a quest to bring his knowledge to the masses, making application security accessible to everyone. He also is an avodcate for security in the PHP community and provides application security training and consulting services.